Monday, 8 March 2010

Back in the groove..............

It's been a long while since I got to posting in here, sorry about that! Illness and recuperation, Christmas and other knitting have all been going on, but I'm back now, and have spent the last week or so wondering what to do next for this particular part of my knitting blogging. Inspiration came yesterday and today. Yesterday I spent an hour or so sorting through some stuff stored behind the cabin; a lot of it was on its way out, just waiting for the final sorting and physical going; the rest was sorted through and brought indoors for future projects (not that I need any more).Three balls of this lovely vintage emerald green wool came to light, so it's been sitting on teh kitchen table waiting for further inspiration to strike - smelling a little fusty, but that can be dealt with easily.

A pattern presented itself this morning via my new subscription of Piecework magazine. There's a lovely article in there entitled Grandma Twombly's Back-of-the-Neck scarf, which I think would look really nice knitted up in this wool. So - there it is; hopefully it'll be on the needles by tonight. :) Who could resist a name like Grandma Twombly?

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